
Monday, May 11, 2020

flight control

The driver glared at the sight in front of him. He simply couldn’t believe his eyes!
The blizzard continued to swirl all around them, making it even more difficult to steer. He kne-
w he had to act quickly, or else it would be too late.
The distracting whirling and clanking of machinery all around him didn’t help to settle his ner-
ves, but he knew he had to wrestle control of his emotions: his next move was to be a defin-
ing one…

I was trying to fly the plan so I waited till it was near earth and jumped off the airplane. It ex-
ploded into millone of splithrens. I was doomed! I was in the mi-
ddle of Alaska and had not much stuff in my backpack,to survive. I was trying my radio but
no service! I was walking south west hoping to get to greenland,”c..c..come in chhhh c...c.-
.come in kaeden come in kaeden” I am here I am in alaska “alaska you are supposed to be at
greenland.” My plane crashed and i'm heading south west, “okay we will get a team in green-
land waiting and get warm clothes' ' thank's might take 2 to 3 days to get there. Chhhhhhhh
come in sir no dang it i’m alone again and bears come at night better make an igloo. By the
time I got the igloo finished it was dark! 

I woke up and I could not believe I made it throw, I thought I was done 4. I looked around m-
e and nothing stood in my way, I was glad to be alive. I nearly died if I couldn't make an iglo-
o or finish in time, I keeped going south west and I found a mountain and I hiked the mount-
ain, I found greenland and I went down as I was going down. I could see the lease of greenl-
and. Then I had to pass the forest ahead. I was shivering because I have been in Alaska for-
2 days and the forest is also snowing in the forest! Then I ran a straight throw and found my
team and they warmed me up. Then I continued what I was searching for


  1. Kaeden what a fantastic story. The way you have written this really keeps the reader wanting to know more. I also like how you remembered about the video we watched on how to make igloos. Great use of conversation too. I will be waiting to see what you are looking for as your story continues? Very well done.

  2. Thank you Whaea Heather I worked hard and mrs.cassidy said that I should try and keep the story inside the page.
